Sarah Sheeran

Head of Digital

+353 1 708 8100

NOVEMBER 16, 2012


For those of us who only ever look at the pictures, Pinterest has become the daily social media addiction that keeps giving. As of today, Pinterest is now making it easier for businesses to engage with its millions of users by launching a host of new features. This is exciting news for companies who love to communicate through pictures and video, and for people involved in marketing who are trying to keep up with where consumers are spending time online.

1. Business accounts

You can now convert your “personal” account into a business profile, making it much easier to specify your business name and access additional features for business accounts.

2. Verify your website

Similar to Twitter’s verification system, Pinterest now enables you to verify that you own the website on your Pinterest profile. A little red tick will then show up beside your posts in searches, highlighting your posts as a source of high quality video and imagery content to users.

3. Pin It widget

Just like a Tweet or Facebook like button, the “pin it” widgets are a great way to drive traffic to your site via social media. Pinterest users can now “pin” images and videos from your site on their boards, sharing it with all of their community.

4. Boards and Profile widgets

You can also display your Pinterest board or profile on your website with the new ‘board’ and ‘profile’ widgets. This could be a quick way to display a colourful mix of new videos and images quickly on your site or tie in with a new campaign or product launch. Lots of exciting possibilities!

5. Case Studies for inspiration

It’s always easier to see how someone else has done it! Pinterest now have featured case studies of businesses using the site in innovative ways.

For more read Pinterest’s news article here.

Do you use Pinterest for marketing? What results have you been getting and how will these changes affect what you do? Share your experiences in the comments below or e-mail me at if you’d like to have a chat about how Pinterest can help your online videos reach a big audience.

Happy pinning!

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  • meabh jones

    Great post!